Good Luck Is Created

Here’s how you can create it…

Kunal Singh Chhabra
2 min readDec 30, 2020

So I’m sure you see a majority of the population complaining about their life. They either have problems with their work-life, their relationships, or absolutely anything else. But in retrospect, that’s what they’ve attracted and manifested. You form your own circumstances.

You are not put into situations if that’s what you think happens to you. Every moment, every decision as small or as big it may be, matters. Your circumstances are formed by you. Well, if they’re good or bad that’s what you’ve worked towards achieving.

Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

Certain people have opportunities that have been served to them, like being born in a wealthy family or getting a great education from their parents. But, everybody has opportunities in their lifetime, not one but tons of them. One should be smart enough to identify them. Luck is nothing but an opportunity with the right skillset. Nobody gets lucky. Opportunities exist for everybody, people who act right towards utilizing them in their favor is considered to be lucky.

Photo by Rafael Pol on Unsplash

When you look at people being born into wealth and riches, look at how they’re utilizing it. Utilization of your opportunity is key. Rest is all learning. If you are well learned and knowledgeable to maximize the opportunity, you’re winning. In life, you are practically never wasting time. You’re always preparing, learning things.

Optimize your potential to learn. Gain the right knowledge that matches your goals. Opportunities will exist forever. Don’t miss out on the right ones. Your knowledge and your skills are your power, so use them right.

Photo by Kunal Singh Chhabra

